Butter Chicken Pizza


📝 Let’s Get Cooking! 📝
Dough Time: We’re going all in with homemade pizza dough today! I found an easy-to-follow recipe on YouTube that’s perfect for beginners and experts alike. Here’s the link to get started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-SJGQ2HLp8&t=24s 

Homemade Pizza Dough. If time’s not on your side, a quick trip to your local grocery store for pre-made dough works wonders too!

Sauce It Up: Now for the star of the show - @basolisauces Butter Chicken Sauce. Its creamy texture not only makes it a unique pizza base but also infuses your pizza with an unforgettable taste.

Top & Bake: Add your favorite toppings (we love mozzarella, pepperoni, salami, and onions on ours), and bake until golden and bubbly.


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