Tamarind Chicken Wings
Here’s what you’ll need for our #chickenwings recipe:
- 2-3 lbs of chicken wings
- 3-4 tablespoons of Basoli All- spice mix
- 4-6 tablespoons of Basoli Tamarind Chutney
- Basoli hot pepper sauce (As desired I used 2 tablespoons)
- 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
- salt to taste
Preparation steps:
- Step 1: Mix olive oil and @basolisauces All-spice mix, and coat the chicken wings evenly.
- Step 2: Preheat oven to 425°F, and bake wings for 40 minutes.
- Step 3: Create marination with @basolisauces Tamarind chutney and Hot pepper sauce to the desired spice level.
- Step 4: After cooking, drizzle marination on wings, ensuring a thorough coating.