Malai Sauce with Potatoes 🥔

Hey folks! Today we’re cooking up a hearty and wholesome meal that will transport you back to my grandmother’s kitchen in a small mountainous village in Northern India

This meal is ready in just 15 mins & here’s how to do it!

  • Step 1: Start by cutting boneless chicken thighs into smaller pieces. Drizzle 2 tablespoons of olive oil over the chicken and add 2 tablespoons of @basolisauces Spice mix. Give it a good mix and let it marinate for 10 minutes. 🧑‍🍳
  • Step 2: Grab a saucepan and heat up some olive oil. Cook the potatoes for a few minutes until they’re half done. You want them tender but not fully cooked.
  • Step 3: Add the marinated chicken to the potatoes. Cook everything on low to medium heat until the chicken is fully cooked and the potatoes are tender.
  • Step 4: Finally, it’s time to bring in the star of the show - @basolisauces Malai sauce! Pour it over the chicken and potatoes, then let everything simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. This will allow the flavours to meld together beautifully.😋🍲

And Voila! Your Basoli Malai Sauce with Potatoes is ready to be devoured. Serve it alongside some fluffy rice or warm naan bread for a complete and satisfying meal. Enjoy!

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